RUN is a short film from the Co-Directing team Victoria Barabas and Katherine Cronyn. It deals with a woman sexually frustrated in a long term relationship desperately seeking satisfaction. It was an exciting experience to showcase a fully female perspective in this cinematic piece.
Victoria and I looked at many different photographic options, eventually deciding on the Arri Alexa with Master Primes to give us a clean, sharp, and classic hollywood image. We shot this film at T/2.8 to strike a balance between shallow depth of field and the classic deeper focus of older Hollywood films.
Drawing inspiration from films such as PALO ALTO and CAROL, we aspired to create a dreamlike feel. My gaffer and I focused on providing soft, flattering light while creating depth through pools of darkness and brightness in this modern fairy tale.
RUN is current in post-production.

Victoria Barabas/Katherine Cronyn
Victoria Barabas
Matthew Lynn